Jam is a fan favourite in my home, especially strawberry jam. Its such a versatile spread and hits just the right spot to curb that sweet craving! I have it on toast, in yoghurt, on scones and my favourite use of jam is to lather it over a baked camembert, YUM!
But I always have such guilty feelings after eating jam because of how high it is in sugar. Have you ever made your own jam before? I hadn’t until last year. Do yourself a favour and try it once, you will be SHOCKED at how much sugar needs to go in it. It’s also one of those foods where you cannot compromise on the sugar because it just wouldn’t work. When making conventional jam the fruit to sugar ratio is 1:1 which, for those that aren’t kitchen boffins, means that if you use 500 g of fruit you would have to add 500 g of sugar.

So I know Chia jam isn’t real jam, but it gets REALLY close! This is also a nice option for kids. I cringe when I see kids eat jam sandwiches. I did it as a child too! You can rest assure that this chia jam only contains sugar from fruit, the strawberry! The chia seeds also adds some protein and most importantly lots of fiber!

This jam is so yummy that I always make sure I have some in my fridge. I even use it as a type of berry coulis for desserts. Its especially delicious with pavlova or eton mess.
Alternatively you can use other fruit such as blueberries, raspberries or even peaches.

Easy to make strawberry jam. Additionally a lot healthier than normal jam since there is no added refined sugar and the chia seeds add some protein and fiber!
- 400 g Strawberries Washed, stems removed, chopped
- 2 tbsp Chia seeds
- 2 tbsp Xylitol
- 60 ml Water
Place your saucepan on the stove at medium to low heat.
Add strawberries and water to the saucepan and stir until the strawberries start to soften. Turn down the heat if you feel like they are heating up too fast.
Once the strawberries have started to become soft and fall apart you can use a fork to mash them. Now you can also add the xylitol.
Let your mixture boil slowly for 5 minutes. Remember to continue to stir the mixture to prevent it from burning.
Add your chia seeds and continue to let it boil slowly for about 10 minutes. Your chia seeds should be jelly like by then.
Remove from the stove and let it cool for a few minutes.
Place jam in a jar with a good seal and store in the fridge for a few days,
Can be enjoyed with yoghurt, mixed into oats, as a bread topper or on our Blueberry flapjacks.
One tablespoon is equal to a serving.
Since xylitol is used instead of real sugar the calories in this jam are very low which makes it ideal for anyone looking to eat less sugar or looking for a healthier alternative to jam.
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